Bouncing Back After Lockdown

Bouncing Back After Lockdown

As Boris starts to ease restrictions, this Thursday we will see some normality return to our lives. But like most business owners the question in my mind is will things return to such a normality we will see our clients and customers return in the numbers before the pandemic?

The truth is that it is a very different world, we can’t change the direction or habbits of our customers, but what you can do is operate and be famous as a brand in their new world. It is now more important than ever to understand your customer. Where are they shopping? What are they engaging in? and how do they want to interact with companies like yours?

Some of your customers may return quickly having missed the experience and services that you offered, but some will have found new ways to source your product / service. It’s really important that you reach out to that customer base and remind them that you are still in business, offering the same great personal service. Give them new ways to engage (delivery, online, social) make their experience easier. We are lazy as humans but we also like engagement and relationships, make things easy but with a personality, it goes a long way! 

It’s time to look at your business and the online opportunities available to reach those customers more effectively and in their own space. 

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